Monday, July 11, 2016

Kingston Buskers

I headed off to Kingston, Ontario a few days ago to give Big Trill some road time after having sat for far too long. The drive up went smoothly and I pulled in Rideau Acres Campground just off the 401. The place was huge! My site was more than sparse, but did have water and power and a picnic table, adequate for my needs for the two day visit.

After setting up I discovered there was a Busker's Festival going on at the waterfront in Kingston, so I headed down to have a look. The first guy I had a look at did a number of tricks mostly of the street dancing variety, but the finale was a running jump over four people lined up and bent over. As he passed over the top of them, he completed a mid-air flip and landed on his feet! Amazing!

On the waterfront proper a number of shows were going on including these guys balancing in unicycles and a ladder all the while tossing flaming torches back and forth.

Others buskers included a drum group and a digiridoo band, trapeze artists and a mute guy doing a number of balancing stunts.

I returned the following day and took in more buskers, but also visited the old Olympic Yacht Basin next to the old  Penitentiary. I got there by hiking a path along the waterfront from a park close by. Nice!

The return home trip went well with a wine bottle deposit stop in Cornwall as well as a visit to the LCBO for some Ontario wines. Then it was the horrible bumpy Quebec roads around Montreal and finally home.

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