Solar panels like the 50 watt panel in the photo are becoming more and more affordable so it makes sense to add one or more to a camper/trailer these days to augment whatever battery charging arrangement you might have. I have bought two such panels over the years, the second one costing less than half what the first one cost only a few years earlier! In addition to this panel, I have a 40 watt flexible roll-up panel from my kayaking camping days which I can also use. It is more efficient than the unit seen in the photo especially on cloudy days or when camping in shady spots. The panel is not permanently fixed in place, so I can move it to a sunny spot wherever that might be.
Both panels connect to the 12 volt circuit via the external socket seen in the above photo. I also have a pig-tail which allows both panels to be plugged in at the same time if need be. These socket type connectors are not ideal nor weather-proof, so I am presently in the market to replace them with better connectors designed for all weather solar systems, however they serve the purpose for now.
Before the solar produced electricity enters the trailer electrical circuit, it passes through a 'controller' which prevents over-charging of the battery. The next item one really needs in a 12 volt system is an instrument which tells you the state of your battery's charge and how much current you are using. To stay in peak condition, it is best not to run a battery down too low. This unit in the photo allows me to see how many volts of power I have coming into the battery, the state of charge as well as the number of amps being used. It will also tell me how long I can continue to use amps at the current rate of consumption. All very handy information!
That's really all there is to a solar powered electrical system other than at least one deep-cycle battery which can store the electricity. The larger your storage capacity and the lower your consumption, the longer you can camp 'off the grid' as they say. Being careful not to overdo it using all LED light bulbs and an efficient fridge, I can stay 'off' indefinitely...
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