It wasn't long before Big Trill, as I named her, began to make her presence known and started to demand some attention. Returning home one day, I noticed the door on the ground instead of in its usual spot. A closer examination reveals the problem...
It turned out that the screws holding the door hinges to the trailer had long ago succumbed to rust and for the most part were barely holding on to anything. No wonder the door fell off! I'm lucky it hadn't occurred on the long drive home from Orleans...!
I removed the old screws, plugged the holes on the door frame with an epoxy mixture and rehung the door this time using stainless steel screws. At some future point, I know I'll have to attack the problem from the inside and replace the wooden door support, but for now, the door is firmly secured to the trailer and I can get at the next item on the rapidly growing restoration list.
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